What Pride Means to PLUS 🌈


As we enter the month of June, a time to celebrate the progress made for TLGBQ+ rights, we acknowledge the intersectionality of queer life and race. Queer rights are civil rights, and we can’t elevate and celebrate the message of Pride without elevating and celebrating the Black, Brown and trans voices that founded - and continue to lead - the fight for dignity, life and equality for all. There is still work to be done for full equal rights for all TLGBQ+ people, especially Black and trans TLGBQ+ people who face higher incidences of violence. 

As part of our commitment to acknowledging, elevating and celebrating the intersectionality of race and queer life, PLUS is collaborating with the San Francisco-based Transgender, Gender-Variant & Intersex Justice Project (TGIJP) to donate a portion of proceeds from each tin sold to further their mission of ending the human rights abuses committed against Black and Brown TGI people inside of California prisons, jails, detention centers and beyond. In the past three years, we’ve donated to the SF Queer Nightlife Fund, The Trevor Project and the SF LGBT Center, with over $60,000 donated last year alone.



For over 16 years, TGIJP has been working to end human rights abuses against transgender, gender-variant and intersex people in California prisons and beyond, particularly ensuring the safety and empowerment of Black trans women and folks. Whether through advocacy, legal and re-entry services, life saving direct services or other urgent needs like temporary housing/shelter, employment, and transportation, TGIJP has gone above and beyond to provide for members of the transgender, gender-variant, intersex community and keep them safe from police, systems of incarceration, violence and discrimination. To learn more or donate, please visit www.tgijp.org.

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Why Celebrate with PLUS 

We know Pride is possible thanks to Black trans women like Marsha P Johnson and Stormé DeLarverie, who fought for their rights and sparked a movement, and there would be no Pride as we know it without their efforts. Inspired by the Progress Pride Flag’s emphasis on inclusion and progression, our packaging now includes the white, pink, and light blue colors of the transgender flag, while the brown and black stripes represent people of color. 

Pride Rainbow Sherbet gummies are made with an uplifting Sativa blend. Each perfectly dosed gummy contains 5mg of THC so elevate your mood and join the celebration with this festive limited edition flavor!


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