8 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep


You are on your way to catch some quality Zzzs tonight. Try these 8 poses to help release any tension from your day to allow for a good, solid night’s rest. Spend about 8-10 slow breaths in each pose. Sweet dreams!


1. Standing Forward Fold | Uttanasana

Stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Bend your knees and let your upper body fold over your legs. Imagine your day, your thoughts, and anything you are holding onto dripping off of the body and out of the crown of the head. Releasing this from the body and mind can help prepare us for a good night’s sleep.


2. Child’s Pose | Balasana

Come down to your mat opening your knees slightly wider than your hips. Rest the forehead down into the mat and sit your hips back towards your heels. You may choose to rock your forehead side-to-side and imagine any thoughts that are still lingering are clearing like a whiteboard eraser from your mind.


3. Seated Forward Fold | Paschimottanasana

Come to a seat and bring your legs together or about hip-width apart. You can keep bend in your knees and then let your upper body fold over your legs. Hands can rest on your legs or grab onto your feet.


4. Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose | Viparita Karani

Come to sit close to a wall. Scoot your seat all the way to the wall and slowly lay down letting your legs go up the wall. This is a great way to drain lactic acid from the legs, slow down the nervous system, and bring more relaxation into the body. 


5. Reclining Butterfly Pose | Supta Baddha Konasana

Lay down on your back and bring the souls of your feet together. This can be a deep hip opener, so if you have blocks or a couple of towels/blankets available you can place them under your outer legs for more support.


6. Happy Baby | Ananda Balasana

Bend your knees and reach through your legs to hold the outer edges of your feet. Press your feet into your hands and your hands into your feet. You can hold the posture or rock and roll a little side to side like a real happy baby.


7. Spinal Twist | Jathara Parivartanasana

Hug your knees into your chest and gently let them float over to the side. You can open your arms wide at shoulder height and take your deep breaths as you let gravity do the work to twist and detox the body. Repeat on the other side.


8. Corpse Pose | Savasana

Come to your final resting pose, either on the mat or in your bed if you are ready to sleep now. Take a few deep breaths letting everything go and let your entire body soften. You can even silently scan your body from your toes to the top of your head letting any lingering tension completely dissipate from the body and mind.


Sweet Dreams!


About Allison:

Allison is an optimistic teacher with over 200 hours of certification in vinyasa yoga. She is a certified trauma-informed yoga teacher and has experience working with all levels of athletes and yogis. Allison guides calming, restorative classes and can help you grow your practice for recovery, strength, or even stress release. 

Find her on Instagram: @positivelyallison


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